These mystical sceneries from Iceland, always leave me mesmerising. This series was made on our trip in 2022, where we’ve covered the south of Iceland. I’ve selected mostly vertical photographs this time. Because I was shooting with another camera, the Mamiya 7-II with a panorama adapter, my focus for this series was mostly vertical. Aiming for mysterious scenes of fog, steam, mist, volcanic rocks and ice. For those who’ve visited Iceland their selves, might recognise the landscapes. Although I’ve tried to have an abstracts approach to the sites, looking for forms and contrasts. And I’ve chosen to record the scenery on monochrome film, since I wanted to separate myself from the common colourful digital photography I see around from Iceland.
Have a look at this gallery, prints are available if you see something which catches your eye.
Shot with my Contax T2 with on Ilford HP5 35mm films